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Day 14: Life To The Full - The Way, The Truth, The Life

View Church Writing Team

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

John 14:6

'Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.'


Day 14 – The Way, The Truth, The Life

This statement about who Jesus is can help us understand three things that are true of a life without Jesus.


1. Jesus is the Way


Without the way, you can’t get going. You can’t get to a destination without knowing the way.

Jesus is the way to a successful, healthy, and joyful life. Without him, we will fail to get there. 


2. Jesus is the Truth

Without the truth, there is no knowing. Being ignorant hinders our growth and development.

The most dangerous thing about living in this digital information age is not the access to information but the accuracy of the information. Knowing the truth helps us take the right steps towards learning and growing.


3. Jesus is the Life


Without the life, there is no living. To live life to the full, we need to be alive spiritually. Jesus is the only who can make us truly alive.


Think on it:

  • Reflect on how life with Jesus has helped you to discover an eternal destination, a significant purpose and a Spirit led life?


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